The Hills Multicultural Network (HMN) has been established to work towards cultural harmony and provide an ongoing forum for networking, information sharing and collaboration in The Hills Shire.
Overall aim of the network
The aim of the network is to raise issues, suggest and adopt strategies to improve client services and represent the needs of the CaLD (culturally and linguistically diverse) communities in The Hills Shire.
- To provide an interactive and regular forum for exchange of information, professional education and policy advice to assist service providers to plan and develop services that are more responsive to the needs and issues of the local CaLD communities.
- To actively work together as a network to develop strategies at the local level to address issues or to respond to policy changes at the regional, state, and federal levels..
- To identify gaps in services for local CaLD communities and to facilitate a coordinated response among service providers to address these gaps.
- To raise a positive profile of the local CaLD communities and empower them to actively participate in community life in The Hills Shire.
Meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of the month (bi-monthly) from 2 – 4pm starting in February of each year.
For more information and to RVSP