Operating under a Hubs service delivery model, the Settlement Services Project (SSP) is designed to respond to the needs of newly arrived migrants, refugees and humanitarian entrants experiencing difficulties in accessing mainstream services. 

The hubs are designed to address the needs and issues of the specific categories they were established for, they are: 

Casework and settlement information is given to newly arrived migrants, refugees and humanitarian entrants to assist them with transition into their new environment, become self-reliant and participate equitably in the Australian society as soon as possible after arrival.  The provision of services is done under three service types: orientation to Australia, community development and integration.

The project endeavours to generate and build community leadership, enhance participation in all aspects of life in Australia and a shared community vision.  

Services the project provides include (Eligibility criteria may apply for each program)

Casework and referral

Education and training

Building Capabilities Program

Employment support






Migration advice

Emergency and crisis services

Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA) – assistance to pay electricity and gas bills

Referral for Emergency Food Assistance Program

Sydney Water Payment Assistance Scheme (PAS) – assistance to pay water bill

Social inclusion

Towards Tomorrow Program

Community support

The NSW Settlement Partnership

Click here


For more information please contact

Priscella Mabor
Inclusion Strategy & Innovations Manager
Ph: 02 9687 9901

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